Kollias' latest YouTube video, which can be viewed below, shows off the blistering speed of George's hands and feet around the kit, through his quick fills and fast footwork, as well as showing his multi-talented musical ability through his guitar work and other instrumentation.
Commented Kollias: "The drumming will be crazy on this album; I will push it like never before, since the whole idea is to write something based on drums anyways. Although I will pay attention a lot to the music in general, and I arranged to have some of the best guitarists in the world playing some guest solos for the songs, which is great! The mixing will be done in Florida, at Mana Studios, [by] Erik Rutan, one of the best producers today. He worked on the last NILE album, next to Neil Kernon, our main producer. This is just a first demo…. nothing final yet… but the final thing will be crazy and will sound incredible!!"
Source: Blabbermouth.net