Florida's godfathers of death metal, CANNIBAL CORPSE, have landed the # 18 spot on the official national music video charts in Germany, #35 on the official national Music Video Charts in the UK, #17 spot on the Billboard Music Video Charts in the US and #5 on the Music Video Chart in Canada with their latest DVD release Global Evisceration, which came out March 11/14/15 via Metal Blade Records.

Global Evisceration contains one disc and is approximately 3 hours long with artwork by the infamous Vince Locke. The main program includes full live-song performances from two live shows: the Gothic Theater in Englewood, CO shot on 5/3/10 and Sunshine Theater in Albuquerque, NM shot on 5/8/10. Global Evisceration also includes bonus performances and extra segments including behind the scenes footage covering Evisceration Plague era tours.
Head over to the CANNIBAL CORPSE landing page HERE to check out the first video - an excerpt that didn’t make the final cut featuring Jesse Jackson – the second video featuring part of a live performance of Stripped, Raped and Strangled – the third video that is part of a live performance of the track Scalding Hail, and the fourth and final teaser clip featuring the band in Malta.
For more information, please visit: http://www.cannibalcorpse.net